When buying players or training your players, is there any player attributes you put more attention too? Perhaps this is a very rhetorical question as it all depends on the player position and roles, but with thirty six outfield player attributes there are some who have a major influence on player’s performance than others.

Our partner, Custard Prophet decided to find out by asking the FM Community which is the best player attribute in Football Manager. By splitting the different attributes into groups of three and running polls on Twitter, he wanted to find out which player attribute is the best – at least considered by you!
His experiment won’t dive deep into what the actual player attribute does or means. If you like to understand more about the different player attributes, Custard Prophet has looked specifically at stand-alone player attributes earlier and how they are linked to other technical, mental or physical attributes. His guide to the mental player attribute Vision gives you a better understanding of not only how to improve Vision through training but which positions it’s necessary for.
You can find more player attributes covered in Custard Prophet’s Attribute Breakdown series, or rad our ultimate guide to Football Manager player attributes and the different hidden attributes in FM22 on this website.
In todays video, he will share the result from the Football Manager Community about what’s the best player attribute in Football Manager. Its purpose is purely entertainment, but we hope you will enjoy this video from our long-time partner!
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Twitter: @Custard Prophet
Youtube: Custard Prophet